Cathy Mannion

Cathy Mannion

Practice Name:
Email: [email protected]
CORU Number: SL023790

Address: Unit 4 The Park Business Centre, Glen Drive, Cabinteely, Dublin 18

About my practice

I have been working as a Paediatric Speech and Language Therapist for over 20 years with children and young people . My interests and experience are with individuals who present with ASD, Intellectual disability, Speech sound disorders and Developmental language Disorder (DLD).Currently I provide assessment and intervention services in the clinic and school settings. Apart from clinical work, I have facilitated parent training programmes and training to support staff in preschool and primary school settings as well as being a tutor for the Hanen Programmes It Takes Two To Talk, Learning Language and Loving It and the More Than Words programme. I have attended many training courses in the areas of receptive and expressive language, speech sound difficulties and am trained in the administration of the ADOS-G Assessment  of Autism, SCERTS, The Picture Communication  Exchange Programme (PECS) , The Zones of Regulation &  Talkabout Social Communication Programme (Alex Kelly).

Qualification: BSc.Speech and Language Therapy, MSc Language and Communication Impairment in Children.

Areas Treated


In Person Speech Therapy Locations

Online Speech Therapy

  • Available