
Private Speech and Language Therapists in Kilkenny

Showing a maximum of 39 results. To see more results use the pagination or refine your search with the filters towards the end of the form.

Bláthnaid Slaven Speech and Language Therapy

Jennifer Finn Speech & Language Therapy

Jennifer Finn Speech and Language Therapy

Lisa O Farrell SLT

Michael Dillon Speech and Language Therapy

Michael Dillon Speech and Language Therapy

Ciara Gallen Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Swallow Therapy Ireland

Speech and Swallow Therapy Ireland

Áine Gannon


Lorraine Murphy

Lorraine Murphy SLT

Lindsay Staunton

Tender Roots Kilkenny & Laois

Eoghan Lonergan

Eoghan Lonergan Speech and Language Therapy

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