Michael Dillon Speech and Language Therapy

Michael Dillon

Practice Name: Michael Dillon Speech and Language Therapy
Website: No
Email: [email protected]
CORU Number: SL015352
Year of Qualification: 2002

About my practice

I have been practising as a Speech and Language Therapist for over 20 yrs.I assess and treat children with speech and language and communication difficulties.I always aim to facilitate children to reach their full communication potential.My experience over this period has been mostly in the area of disability.I have also had experience in Primary Care.I am very much committed to Continuous Professional Development( CPD ) in order to assist me in providing the best service possible to my clients and families.I have attended many courses over the years, including, Hanen, Lamh, Picture Exchange Communication System( PECS) and Operational Performance Coaching.In addition I have attended Cygnet, Talk Tools, SCERTS and Derbyshire.I have implemented the learning from these courses in my daily work with clients.For example I have used the PECS system and visuals in general in my work with autistic children.I am a qualified Family Lamh Trainer and have delivered many courses to families over the years.I have a particular interest in Lamh.I am available to offer assessments, reports, direct therapy and programs( for home and school).

Availability: Monday to Friday evenings, Friday afternoons and Saturdays.

Qualification: BSc Clin Lang, Trinity College Dublin 2002. BA H Dip ED ( Maynooth College)

Areas Treated


In Person Speech Therapy Locations

Online Speech Therapy

  • Not Available