Denise Banks

Denise Banks

Practice Name: Munster Speech and Language Therapy
Email: [email protected]
CORU Number: SL017663
Year of Qualification: 2003

Address: Watergrasshill Co. Cork

About my practice

Since receiving a Master of Science (MSc) in Speech and Language Pathology from Gallaudet University in Washington, DC in 2003 I have worked in public and private settings in the USA and Ireland. After working in a private practice in Northern Virginia, USA I moved to Ireland in late 2004 where I worked as a Speech Language Therapist within the public service for children and adults with intellectual disability and / or autism spectrum disorders.

I am a full member of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT) and The American Speech- Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

I am fully qualified in the area of dysphagia and have completed additional training in the use of Lámh signing system, AAC for aided communication and picture exchange communication (PECS). I have also completed a range of continuing education courses in the field of Speech and Language Therapy including: Hanen (It Takes Two to Talk, More Than Words, TalkABility), Lámh Modules 1 &2, TEACCH, RDI, MORE, ‘Is it Sensory or is It Behaviour?’

I am fully trained in the administration of tools for the diagnostic assessment of ASD including DISCO, ADI-R, ADOS-2.

Availability: Wednesday – Friday 8-4

Qualification: Master of Science, Speech and Language Pathology 2003 University of Gallaudet, Washington, DC USA

Areas Treated



In Person Speech Therapy Locations

Online Speech Therapy

  • Not Available